I don’t usually write here on a Monday but I thought I’d just say a big thank you to all those people who came to KUKI and visited my stand. Whether you bought something or not the support was welcome.

Weather wise it was a mixed bag. It ranged from warm and sunny to absolutely freezing cold with my body shaking at one point. A massive storm right at the end managed to blow past us which was a huge relief to me and the stalls around me and the only rain was felt as we were packing up, so I think we were very lucky on the whole.

It’s been a few years since the last fair so the anticipation was high. I had a great spot right at the top where everything was going on. The years before I’ve been way down the side street and missed the opening ceremony.

The ribbon was almost cut in my tent. Good for publicity and even better for official photos.

There were all kinds of wonderful things to see and hear from bands and theatre to Viennese costumes. The art on display was amazing too.

Today I’m unpacking and sorting my stock for the next one which is on Sunday in Bushdorf. I have a spot on the main street, number 38 if you want to come over and visit.

I’ll be back later in the week but for now I’ll get on with sorting the stock out.

Have a good one

Jaine xx