Happy New Year from the studio

I’m just getting back to normal, (what ever ‘normal’ is) after the break and I’m eager to get going again. I’ve not had time to do anything in my journal for the past few weeks and I’m way behind with my December daily but it’s still out on my table for now in the hope I’ll get it finished sometime within the next week or so. If not, I’ll just put it away for next year.

I think 2016 is promising to be a very exciting year and I’m looking forward to lots of new things ahead.

So to start things off for this year I’ve decided to offer everyone 20% off in the shop. There’s also a discount on the Christmas stamps from IndigoBlu so even more saving to be made there.  Just use the discount code BS20JAN16 at checkout.

new year shop banner

Happy 2016

Jaine x