Good morning, well it is right at this moment. The sun has been out for several consecutive days now, I’ve no idea what’s going on? It’s cardie on – cardie off!! Two weeks and I’m off on me holls in gloriously hot Sicily, woo hoo.
Before that though it’s still project doggy proof the garden and my personal get fit campaign and both are progressing nicely. We visited the fur baby (still no name) at the weekend and he’s grown a bit. He spends alot of time outside with his brothers and sisters in the sunshine which is great. Meanwhile I’ve been steadily getting stronger at the hill climb on my mountain bike and pushing myself to go ever higher and I’m happy to say it’s paying off. The morning views are the best.

Anyway, back to the studio and I’ve really caught the travellers notebook bug. I’m not much of a planner person but I’m loving the fauxdori style planner keeping and the best thing is making my own cover and inserts to suit my style.
Continue reading My Faux Dori And A Not So Messy Monday